Copyright 2020. First Congregational Church in Worcester. All rights reserved.

Missions Giving

Every year, a portion of  our congregation's financial collection is shared with community organizations who serve our community and seek to bring hope, love, and light into the world! In 2021, First Church supported:

Carty Cupboard - Food Pantry

Dismas House - Supporting former prisoners in greater Worcester

Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (MSPCC)

United Church of Christ - Supporting the wider work of the UCC

UCC Storm Relief - Supporting the Disasters Ministry of the UCC

Welcoming Alliance for Refugee Ministry

Worcester Area Mission Society (WAMS)

Worcester Food Bank

Worcester Prison Ministries

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Carty Cupboard Food Pantry Monthly Collections

On the first Sunday of every month, as we celebrate Holy Communion, we take up the call of Jesus to feed, both physically and spiritually.  Donations of non-perishable, shelf-stable items can be brought and placed in the baskets by the front of the sanctuary before or after the service. All donates need to have a good expiration date. To learn more, or to see what "wish list" items are needed, check out the bulletin board in the narthex or our newsletter!

Deacon's Fund

 On the first Sunday of every month, also as a response to Communion, we collect a special offering for the Deacon's Fund. These funds are available to the Pastor to provide one-time, emergency assistance to a neighbor in need.  The pastor will also help connect individuals with community resources which may be able to help further.

Our Building Serves

     AA Meetings

        Our church is proud to offer space for all who seek the community and care of AA!

        Currently, there are 4 groups meeting on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

     Hosting Congregations

        5 additional congregations utilize our church space every weekend for worship!

     Neighborhood Watch

        On the second Monday of each month, our church hosts the local neighborhood watch

        meeting as caring community members come together to support our local community

        and connect with law enforcement.

     Additional, One-Time Events

        Other community groups also use our Fellowship Hall, Parlor, or Sanctuary for events

        as they arise. If you are seeking space and wonder if First Church might be the place

        for your one-time or regular event, email the church office at

        or call at 508-752-4635.

​Missions at First Congregational Church in Worcester