Copyright 2020. First Congregational Church in Worcester. All rights reserved.

What We Believe

The members and friends of First Congregational Church of Worcester welcome and value all persons!

  • We believe that each person is unique and valuable.
  • We believe that each person is on a spiritual journey, and that each of us is at a different stage of that journey.
  • We believe that small changes can make a big difference, as we lend our service to our community, and minister to those in need.
  • We believe in supporting families as they grow within the warm environment of the church.
  • We believe that a church that brings God's Word to people in every situation, from all walks of life, helps them to grow in love and service to Our Creator and Lord.
  • We believe in the power of peace, and work for non-violent solutions to local, national, and international problems.

Our Purpose Statement

It is our purpose to joyfully celebrate Christ’s presence and God’s grace in our lives; to respect one another in love, actively seeking and embracing those who wish to grow with us in faith, hope and love; to follow the example of Jesus, as we minister to the spiritual and physical needs of the community.  Through service we flourish.

​About First Congregational Church in Worcester


Who We Are

We are a member congregation of the United Church of Christ,  a protestant denomination. The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action.  With over 5,000 churches and nearly one million members across the U.S., the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world.  The UCC is a church of firsts, a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where “…they may all be one” (John 17:21). Learn more here!